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Ed Reed & Anton Schwartz play Hartman and Coltrane at Tula’s November 6 2015

Love shows like this: where amazing players unite for a unique moment, a configuration never been heard before and perhaps never will again.   Ed Reed was awesome, had a Bay...

Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea at The Paramount March 15, 2015

Living legends doing what they do to a packed audience. Was thinking 70 is the new 40 as these guys put on a show of melodic virtuosity. Their collaboration defies...

Top Five For 2014

Been all about classic jazz this year, hardly listening to anything new. Here’s what in heavy rotation: Herbie Hancock – Maiden Voyage. Can’t get enough of this record. Tony Williams...

Marc Seales Trio At Tulas December 6 2014

Great show. Seales accompanied by guys that he’s been playing with for years: Chuck Dearborn on bass, Mark Eisler on drums. Caught the first two sets, missed the last one....

Industrial Revelation, Poor Rende Vu at EMP November 2 2014

Packed show at the Sci-Fi museum theater. Opening trio of professor jazz masters great to see.  The three building these emotive soundscapes, evocative and poignant. Vu’s got the coolest tone...

The Cantaloupes at The Ship Canal Grill July 24 2014

Cool set up on Wednesday nights at The Ship Canal (good fish tacos btw) playing straight ahead bop.  First set was The Cantaloupes although Jay Thomas was off at Port...